What is the right to privacy?
This right has been recognised in Article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948. The right to Privacy has various meanings but the most accepted one by society is based on the idea of personal autonomy. It means that a person cannot invade the personal space of other persons without their consent. This right provides a privilege to the citizens to live their life without any external intrusion.
Its relation with media:
The media has the right to disclose the information of a person for good justifications and also media only publishes verified information. People often claim to have their personal information removed from the public domain because they prefer to have privacy. There should be a balance between the Right to Know and the Right to Privacy. The Right to Know refers to the right of the public to know the information of their interest. Media is the fourth pillar of democracy but not bigger than law and hence has to adhere to some rules before publishing any information.
law of breach of confidence:
This law protects unnecessary information from getting into the public domain in certain circumstances. Examples of such situations are:
1. Information shared by an employee according to the contract of employment with his/her employer.
2. Conversation between a doctor and a patient cant be disclosed without the consent of the patient.
3. Highly offensive content to an individual or a group of people.
4. Private details which do not concern the public.
5. Details of sexual orientation
6. Details of a family feud or divorce to families from separating.
Non-applicable situations for the right to privacy:
1.Matter of general or public interest.
2.Disclosure of assets by a government employee.
3.Disclosure of facts to comply legally
Moreover celebrities and politicians cant expect the same Right to Privacy as the general public because they decide to put their life out in the public domain for the people to see and get influenced.
Types of intrusions of privacy:
Different conducts lead to invasion of privacy lawsuits.
some of them are:
1.Trespassing- entering someone's private property without consent.
2.Installing secret surveillance equipment to monitor someone's behaviour without them knowing.
3.Harassing a person by following or trolling.
The Right to Privacy is an important component of the right to life. Democracy provides us with the autonomy to your our own life's decisions but to only an extent whereby we are not violating anybody else's right to live and hence to protect the personal details of an individual, it is necessary for this right to exist in India. But as we all know the need for change as time goes on keeps on arising, therefore, this right is also subjected to modifications and restrictions to adapt to the dynamic needs of the citizens which will help them lead a better life without any intrusion n their private space like Mark Zuckerberg said "THE QUESTION ISN'T "WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT PEOPLE?" IT'S "WHAT DO PEOPLE WANT TO TELL ABOUT THEMSELVES".